Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

目前分類:2008‧美國 (23)

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Bridalveil Fall的中文翻譯是"新娘面紗瀑布"。


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■Tunnel View小常識,摘錄自 Wikipedia

Tunnel View, within Yosemite National Park, is a viewpoint on State Route 41 located directly east of the Wawona Tunnel as one enters Yosemite Valley from the South. The view looks east into Yosemite Valley including the southwest face of El Capitan, Half Dome, and Bridalveil Falls

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離開Lower Yosemite Falls,驅車前往Sentinel Dome,一路往上開,將近1個半小時才抵達,這才知道Yosemite 真的是超大的。

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「Yosemite Falls」小常識:摘錄於Wikipedia

"Yosemite Falls is the highest measured waterfall in North America. Located in Yosemite National Park in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, it is a major attraction in the park, especially in late spring when the water flow is at its peak.The total 729 metres (2,390 ft) from the top of the upper falls to the base of the lower falls qualifies Yosemite Falls as the sixth highest waterfall in the world, though with the recent discovery of Gocta Cataracts, it appears on some lists as seventh."


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Yosemite-EL Captain

這顆巨大無比的石頭,叫「El Captain」,高2307m,對於攀岩喜好者,應該可以算是天堂!

後來,我們來到一個很像「伯朗咖啡」廣告中,會出現的場景,那裡有隨風飄動的大草原,背後是群山,然後幾個年輕人快樂的騎著單車,大唱「Mr. Brown~咖啡!」

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Yosemite National Park 優勝美地國家公園簡介:
優勝美地國家公園〈Yosemite National Park〉位於中加州內華達山脈的西麓,占地1,100平方英哩的面積,園內高度落差極大 ,從公園邊靠近140公路 El Portal 的兩千呎高度至 Mount Lyell 高峰的一萬三千呎。冰河將前更新世〈pre-Pleistocene〉優勝美地的蜿延的小河及起伏的小坵轉變成目前雄偉壯觀的地形。為了要保護公園的原貌,美國總統林肯於1864年六月三十日將優勝美地谷蝴蝶林內〈Mariposa〉林內的美洲衫巨木林設為美國國家的第一個州立公園,三十六年後,優勝美地成為國家公園。

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因為隔天就要出發優勝美地,用雙腳征服大自然,所以今天的行程故意挑比較簡單、入門款的觀光客地點---Fisherman's Wharf 漁人碼頭。去年的3月份曾造訪過,所以算是舊地重遊,不過上回因為時間太趕,而錯過了頗負盛名的「叮噹車」,這次,說什麼也要感受一下古老的叮噹車在上上下下的地形上緩慢行走的浪漫氣氛。

■Fisherman's Wharf 漁人碼頭 小常識。摘錄於「永遠的胖胖」

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【San Francisco】Day 2

沿著17Miles的公路,一路開到底,會碰到Carmel。Carmel是個很迷人的所在,它有個Carmel Beach,沙灘上盡是來此享受日光浴的民眾,又因為屬於沙岸,淺水區域可供民眾戲水。

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■17 Miles小常識,擷取至 Wikipedia
The 17 Mile Drive is a scenic road through Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach, California, United States, much of which hugs the Pacific coastline and passes famous golf courses and mansions. It also serves as the main road through the gated community of Pebble Beach. Like the community, the majority of 17-Mile Drive is owned and operated by the Pebble Beach Corporation. This corporation is currently owned by Plaut Inc. Entry into Pebble Beach costs US$9.25 per automobile. Residents of Pebble Beach and their guests enter for free. Entry is also free for bicyclists and pedestrians. Motorcycles are prohibited from entering 17-Mile Drive.

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‧ Madison Square Garden (麥迪遜花園)
照片集:【 NY】DAY 7


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‧Central Park
‧格林威治村/ 東村
◎照片集:【NY】DAY 6


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‧American Museum of Natural History (自然歷史博物館)
‧NBA Store
‧Broadway: Lion King
★ 照片集:NY DAY 5

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‧The Metropolitan Museum (大都會歷史博物館)
‧Guggenheim (古根漢)
‧eat dinner with Jeff @ Soho Pizza 店
‧坐公車去Jeff 家參觀

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‧Statue of liberty (自由女神像)
‧Wall Street (華爾街)

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‧Ontario 搭飛機
‧Salt lake city 轉機
‧JFK (紐約機場)
‧Madison Square Garden Park (麥迪遜廣場花園)
‧Empire State Building (帝國大廈)

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■Chelsea International Hostel
Private room
Double Bed
Private bathroom (大部分的房間是共用衛浴,我們要求每天+10元,升等)
6/1 - 6/5
$95*5 (含稅)=$425

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■住宿地點:Curry Village (Canvas Tent Cabins) ,中文翻譯為 "帆布帳篷小屋"
■住宿花費:USD 283 / 3days with tax
■房間圖片、說明 :節錄 網頁

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【景點1】La Jolla 的另一邊 海灘。 只停留了幾分鐘。我們本來沒要來的,但我ㄧ直盧。

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